
douchebag-1 You know, I don’t watch much TV. I have no real desire to because nothing really interests me these days. Hell, I can’t recall watching a new episode of anything from the last few years.

(puts on slippers, adjusts onion on belt)

I’m so far out of—and I use that term very loosely—the “entertainment” loop that I clicked a link to the MTV Movie Awards just to see what’s passing for…entertainment these days.

And that’s when I saw these dickbags staring back at me. These fellows, who look like metrosexual rejects from Making the Band, are apparently in yet another one of those ever-so-popular “reality shows” called Jersey Shore. So essentially, they’re famous for nothing other than looking and acting like douchebags.

Image courtesy eMpTyV

I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so judgmental and base those statements just on their personal appearance which, as is obvious in the photo above, they have fucking perfected.

Ah, but I digress—I’m sure that they are perfect gentlemen and will gladly hold doors open for women and treat them with the utmost respect.

I did some Googling and while I didn’t want to watch any of the clips because, in the unlikely event of me having a heart-attack at the time, I wouldn’t want to have these twatwaffles on my monitor when the coroner arrived. Kind of like tentacle porn which I know nothing about, but “thank” Fark users for piquing my curiosity and…Googling…

Wow, I’m all over the place, aren’t I? So what’s the point of this post? I dunno. Maybe I just wanted to call these guys a bunch of douchebags.


2 thoughts on “Douchebaggery

  1. I’ve lived in NJ my entire life and NOBODY I know looks (or even looked, back when we all looked trashy due to the 80s) like these people who are purportedly from NJ.


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