Christmas in California

48black_shirtThis coming Friday we will be having our annual Company Christmas Party* Year-End Celebration at a local hotel. I have to admit that these sorts of things really aren’t for me; I’m pretty much a dullard when it comes to company-related functions–unless there is a softball game scheduled somewhere in the middle of it all.

But it’s free food and could mean prizes so meh, I guess I have to go.

And up until today I wasn’t really thinking about the shindig. That was until we got the e-mail stating that this year’s party would have a “tropical theme.”

Woah, wait a second. A freaking theme? At a Company Christmas Party* Year-End Celebration? We didn’t have one last year although people that were drawn to win prizes had to sing karaoke to actually collect them. So now that this decision to have a theme has been made for us by The Powers That Be, I now have to go out and find a Hawai’ian shirt to wear to the whatever-the-Hell-this-thing-is-being-called.

That’s because I don’t own one. The reason? I think they are hideously ugly. I mean ugly with a capital U, fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, etc. Yeah, I know my choices in daily outfits aren’t exactly what one might consider stylish but man, Hawai’ian shirts? Aside from the simply simple ugliness of the shirts, around these parts they are usually worn with baseball caps by gray-haired guys in their 50s that drive Mercedes Benz convertibles or Mazda Miatas.

So it looks like a trip to my local retailer is in order where I will buy said ugly shirt, wear it this one time and once the party is over, open up the moonroof and let it fly out on the 405 freeway.

And while I really began to think about this party on Friday, another thought hit me: Jimmy Buffett. Chances are they will be playing some sort of Jimmy Effing Buffett song(s) during the event. How do I feel about Jimmy Buffett? Here’s a quote from an earlier post:

I despise Jimmy Buffett greater than the fury of a thousand asteroids hurtling relentlessly towards planet Earth. And while I’ll stop short of calling him an asshole, I think his music–and this may sound physically impossible–both sucks and blows.

Interestingly enough, the other guys in the proofing department felt the same way about the guy’s music, so I don’t feel so bad. And if I ever wanted to wear something “tropical” I think I’d rather be relaxing somewhere tropical like, say, the freaking tropics of or Hawai’i.

But alas, this is what happens when you live in southern California in December. Yay?

Oh, and I’m still tweaking things around the blog so don’t be surprised if stuff that is here now isn’t tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the new look 🙂

* Between now and 2006 I suppose someone got offended by the use of the word “Christmas” so the event’s name had to be changed. PC sucks.

Now playing: Icicle Works – Understanding Jane
via FoxyTunes

4 thoughts on “Christmas in California

  1. Go to a local thrift store. You can probably pick one up for three dollars. We never have a theme for our holiday party. Everyone just dresses up. We will be closing at 12 this Friday and going to a caterer’s for lunch. It lasts all afternoon with tons of food and free beer and wine. Everyone gets a gift card and there are plenty of door prizes. Free food, free drinks, free gifts…dude I’m there. (Plus I get paid to be there) How can you resist that? Even in a Hawaiian shirt.


  2. Yeah, I was thinking of the thrift shop route as well, but there aren’t many around in my area anymore which is a real bummer. Used to find some killer deals at one in particular.

    We’re also closing early on Friday (11:30) to attend our event. It’s one of those things I don’t even take my camera to and if you know me in the slightest, that’s a pretty rare occurrence. I will definitely enjoy the goodies but try to avoid too much–I finally lost everything I gained over Thanksgiving weekend!

    I’m still boggled by the inclusion of a theme…go figure…


  3. I am glad you lost all you gained over Thanksgiving. I am still struggling at 20 lbs. over where I want to be. I will get there–I know I will. I’m just not sure when.


    1. Thanks but as usual, it hasn’t been easy. I’m sticking to my old weight loss plan and taking no prisoners again 🙂

      Don’t worry. You’ll get where you want to be. The worst thing you can do it rush it–believe me, I’ve been there!


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