Indefinite Blog Break

Hey, guys. I just want to let you all know that we had a bit of a family situation last night/this morning that may prohibit my blogging for at least a week.

In short, my mom had to have emergency surgery to fix an ulcer. She was in terrible pain all night and my brother–he lives with her–had to take her to the ER. Poor guy was up at least 24 hours between work, coming home from work and being at the ER all night/morning. I bought him a big breakfast after the surgery–he was happy.

Myself, it’s been a day of calls from him and I just now got home. Mom is recovering after the one-hour surgery, and we will be going to see her periodically as she recovers in the hospital.

That said, this will take me away from blogging for a bit so if you don’t hear from me this week, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🙂

Talk to you soon.

UPDATE: I’ve gotten only about 3 hours of sleep so this will be short. I visited Mom today and appears to be in much better shape than she was this morning. Things are looking good for now. I’m off to bed. G’night, all.

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