Not the Same Person

Ann bought me a film scanner the other day as a combination anniversary/Father’s Day present. And ever since I opened it, I’ve been looking through boxes of old negatives for stuff to scan and e-mail/post on Facebook/etc.

In the process I came across an old negative of me and my brother at Disneyland, circa 2000 or so. And I have to admit that this is probably the most flabbergasted I’ve been about an old picture of me since my weight loss. At any rate, here it is and note that it was fuzzy to begin with:


Yeah, so um…I looked like a cartoon character that was run over by a steamroller or something. I was that big, people.

Now here I am last weekend at a birthday party for one of The Kid’s friends (who were cropped out not because I’m being mean, but just to show me a bit closer for comparison purposes):


I’m using that first picture as a reminder to never, ever go back to that lifestyle.

Gotta go. The treadmill awaits me…

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2 thoughts on “Not the Same Person

  1. Lemme get this right. That beanpole in the second shot is one of the two guys in the first shot.

    Yeah, sure. Hello photoshop.


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