Blogging Is Dead 

Me and blogging are in a relationship — and it’s complicated.

In a time when social media and viral videos are still king, it looks as if blogging — personal blogging at least — is all but dead.

I remember a time when I could write a post and get a reasonable number of interactions/hits/visits coupled with an occasional comment or even a discussion. But then again that was when “blogosphere” was a media buzzword and before Twitter and Facebook were on the radar. I’ve been at this in one form or another since 2004, just months after Facebook was founded, and years before Twitter would arrive. These days it’s much easier to post a blurb on Facebook and wait for the usual suspects to start clicking that reaction button to show their approval, disgust, etc. Or type “Amen” to send prayers up because…never mind.

And this has never been a profitable venture for me. If anything, it costs me to run this dog-and-pony show in the form of domain ownership, mapping and, of course, my own time. While I do have ads here, I’ve yet to reach my $100 threshold to cash out the revenue they generate and they’ve been in place for years. I’m still nowhere near that threshold.

Maybe it’s because I’m not smart enough to do something stupid enough that will drive the traffic and revenue up (look up any “YouTube sensation/star/personality”). Or maybe it’s because personal blogs just aren’t a thing anymore.

So with all that said, you might be glad to know that I’ve once again ponied up my annual fees to keep this here blog alive for at least another year.


I like owning a domain and having an email associated with it (send one to dave_at_holographicmeatloaf_dot_com and I will reply unless shit gets out of control). I’ve owned it for years and don’t want to lose it. And it looks much more legit having your own address rather than  an unsightly [username_dot_host_dot_com] URL. Even if you have readers, nobody will want to remember all that crap.

I also like telling an occasional story, with pictures, that nobody on Facebook would bother reading if I had posted it there. Anybody can write a blurb about something stupid that happened in the Costco parking lot but not everyone can tell a cohesive story,  and my stories sometimes require more than 140 characters.

Plus, this year marks my 10th year using WordPress as my host having moved from Google’s Blogger platform, which is as ugly as a website built and hosted by Geocities or Tripod. Look those up, kids.

So even with the doom and gloom of not being what it used to be, I’m still keeping the faith.

And if you’re reading this, thanks for being a part of it.

Composed on my iPhone with the WordPress app because I was too lazy to clean off the stuff from my desk 

2 thoughts on “Blogging Is Dead 

  1. I know. I have 2 weeks to decide whether I want to pay for 6 more months of hosting, or move it to a friend’s server. I miss blogging, but I’ve tried instances where I updated every day, every other day, 3x week, etc and traffic/comments never popped. The only time I get comments is when a pet dies (which, I’m kind of done with that) or when I throw a mini-tantrum about killing my blog.

    But as long as you’re here, I’ll read and I’m going to comment here and not on FB.


    1. It’s definitely hard. I can’t recall the last time I had decent traffic on a post or in general and even though Facebook visitors can log in here with that information just by clicking a button, comments are still left over there. Kind of disappointing. Damn you, Zuckerberg.

      My seemingly defunct grammar/spelling error blog generated more traffic in shorter time — it had a niche. But us? We’re dinosaurs now just waiting for the meteor to finally wipe us off the “social media” map. I’m honestly surprised that free personal blog hosting is still available at all.

      And I apparently have over 100 subscribers but none have ever said peep even at the pinnacle of my blogging years. That said, thanks for hanging around. It’s good to know I reached someone.


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